The legendary Mandarin fish from the Callionymidae family. The name of this fish comes from the very colourful silks which were worn by Chinese representative from the 16th century. Strongly resembling gobies, they are often called mandarin goby fish. Mandarin fish usually settle in coral reefs close to the shore or in lagoon not exposed to strong currents, Mandarin Fish is very "shy" the best time to see this incredible specie is just before sunset.
The patterns of each fish, red, blue, yellow and green are unique and are as specific as a finger print for a human.
Hard coral on most of the site but we will focus on our Mandarins!
Dive between 5 and 12 meters deep.
Meet the Mandarin fishes!
Mainly exploration dive, or Mandarin dive.
All dive levels accepted, this site is particularly interesting for photographers and divers passionate about biodiversity.
Plan your own trip around Bali, discover every environment this mystic island has to offer!
From shipwrecks to pristine nature, going by incredible biodiversity... You will be amazed!
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Established in 2009, with the desire to share or make discover our passion for the underwater world. Everyone should be able to experience scuba diving once in their life.
Free Nitrox All Around Bali With Dive Concepts
Nitrox is a mix of air enriched in Oxygen, normally the air we are breathing is composed of 21% of oxygen, which is the equivalent of Nitrox 21. For Scuba diving the most commons mix used are…
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
SSI and PADI courses are available
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