The Pygmy Seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti) is a species of Pipefish of Seahorse subfamily. To camouflage itself, he often hangs on sea fans of a similar colour.
The most commun Hippocampus bargibanti measure up to 24 mm. Two varieties exist:
It is the smallest listed Seahorse species. It is an ovoviviparous species.
Nine species of Pygmy Seahorse are listed in the world:
It only depends on the dive site chosen to admire this species!
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Established in 2009, with the desire to share or make discover our passion for the underwater world. Everyone should be able to experience scuba diving once in their life.
Free Nitrox All Around Bali With Dive Concepts
Nitrox is a mix of air enriched in Oxygen, normally the air we are breathing is composed of 21% of oxygen, which is the equivalent of Nitrox 21. For Scuba diving the most commons mix used are…
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
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