Lionfish in Amed

Dive Courses in 
Amed, Bali

Dive Courses in 
Amed, Bali

Come and do your dive course on famous Amed dive sites!

Why should you do your course with 
Dive Concepts Amed?

Learning to dive in Amed, is above all spending time with our young and dynamic team!

Dive Concepts Amed offers you the chance to personally explore the USAT Liberty, one of the most beautiful wrecks in the world, as well as other wrecks located in the area. Swim with Black Tip reef sharks and enjoy amazing corals and the unique diversity of fish in one of the richest region in the world. Specific sites of Amed are highly reputable for everything small!

At Dive Concepts Amed, we do not speak of clients, but of student divers who we are committed to give a real diving level. We will start the course when you want to, whether you are alone or not.

  • 4 students max. per instructor

  • Professional & Multi-lingual Courses

  • Affordable Price

  • Certificate of Excellence

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Open Water Course Tulamben
Advanced course in Tulamben

Rp 6.950.000 ~410

4 Days

9 Dives

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