Crossover PADI - SSI
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There are more benefits to crossover from PADI to SSI that you think.
Among hundreds of Recreational diving federation are standing the two most known PADI & SSI, these two agencies are approved by the WRSTC (World Recreational Scuba Training Council) and the EUF (European Underwater Federation) which guaranty the same Quality and Safety standards.

What are the real advantages to do your cross over PADI-SSI?

First of all you ‘ll obviously have more opportunities to find a job across the world, even if in some areas PADI still have the monopole in teaching scuba diving, SSI is growing well thanks to its flexibility and how courses are conducted. Many dive centers are switching to SSI as we did many years ago.

SSI courses are designed to fit to the student’s needs, and grant the Instructor more flexibility on how to manage the course, cause the most important thing is to offer a proper experience to the student, right. SSI also offers more skills practice, and we do agree 100% to this philosophy, more knowledge and practice makes better divers, especially buoyancy skills. At the end of the day students still have to pass all requirements to be certified.

On top of that SSI offers a really good Online training material, they have a Free application available for smartphone and tablet which allow all divers to carry their courses, log-book, certifications cards in their pocket, no more trouble with lost card, heavy backpack or forgotten log-book.

Regarding dive professional, SSI offers a cash back system for yearly renewal, every course you teach get you points, then those points will be converted in a nice discount on your renewal, the first year all points collected get multiplied X5, and you will most likely have Free renewal.

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Crossover PADI-SSI
+ Instructor Specialties Package

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Diving Crossover in Bali
Diving Specialties in Bali

Rp 22.000.000 ~1298

10 Days training

5 Instructor Specialties

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