Life is everywhere on the wreck! You will see Humphead Parrot fish, schools of Trevally, Leaf Scorpion fish, Pygmy Seahorse, giant Barracuda, Frogfish, Groupers, Jack fish, Angel fish, Black Tip and White Tip sharks. If you are very lucky you may even encounter a Whale Shark, an Eagle ray or even a Mola Mola!
The wreck has been completely colonised by coral during the 50 years that it has spent in the Tulamben waters. During almost 20 years, it was simply stranded on the beach and rusted, the paint freeing itself little by little from the steel plates. The marine paint having been made to avoid the formation of life, coral and algae, many wrecks where the paint has remained relatively intact in the world have not been able to be colonised by as much coral, which makes the Liberty wreck unique. We can find a multicoloured Gorgonias couple at a depth of 12 and 14 meters, on the front section of the ship.
The wreck lies between 5 and 28 meters deep, lying on its right flanc. The bridge finds itself vertically sea side. The bow to the West, the stern to the East where we can still very well identify the huge helm. One of the two cannons is still visible under its turet to the front of the ship at a depth of 28 meters.
Wreck Dive!
Wreck diving, marine biology, night diving, free diving, orientation, photography, diving initiations...
The site is accessible for all levels. From the initiation on the shallow parts of the wrecks to the Advanced Courses, deep diving and wreck diving specialities are also available!
Plan your own trip around Bali, discover every environment this mystic island has to offer!
From shipwrecks to pristine nature, going by incredible biodiversity... You will be amazed!
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Established in 2009, with the desire to share or make discover our passion for the underwater world. Everyone should be able to experience scuba diving once in their life.
Free Nitrox All Around Bali With Dive Concepts
Nitrox is a mix of air enriched in Oxygen, normally the air we are breathing is composed of 21% of oxygen, which is the equivalent of Nitrox 21. For Scuba diving the most commons mix used are…
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
SSI and PADI courses are available
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