These antennals have a huge body, devoid of scales which seems mishappen because covered in warts. They can grow to 40 cm.
The dorsal fins are spiny. The first is composed of three spines the first of which is located just above the mouth, in between the eyes. It supports a shred of skin which it can transform into a fishing line. The pectoral, and pelvic fins are stalked and resemble paws.
On the other side, the caudale fin is small.
The gill openings, of small size, are located at the base of the pectoral fins. The mouth is very big, with a prominent lower jaw. It is placed sideways and opens largely on the top to inhale pray. The teeth are villiform.
The eyes are placed on the very top of the head and close to one another.
The colouration, browny yellow, is variable according to the habitat, mimic obligations. The senegalensis species is recognizable due to a large black marking haloed with light located on the base of the rear dorsal fin.
The Antennariidae are benthic fish that prefer sheltered zones, rocks, and wrecks. They stay completely still on the bottom. When they are disturbed, they move by walking on the bottom thanks to pectoral fins. They can also move forward by inhaling water that they expulse with their gill openings. Piscivorous species (fish eaters), frog fish “fish” their pray by waggling their fishing line. The pray is inhaled in a fraction of a second is the wide opened mouth of the animal. This is why they are also called Anglerfish. The females lay their eggs which stick together in a big gelatin like lump.
Shallow dive mostly but can be found at up to 25 meters deep. There is no reason to go deeper!
Underneath the Frogfishes!
Macro exploration dive mostly as it is important to spend time looking between the corals.
Accessible to all levels as long as the divers have good buoyancy to not ruin the pictures of other divers.
Plan your own trip around Bali, discover every environment this mystic island has to offer!
From shipwrecks to pristine nature, going by incredible biodiversity... You will be amazed!
Established in 2009, with the desire to share or make discover our passion for the underwater world. Everyone should be able to experience scuba diving once in their life.
Free Nitrox All Around Bali With Dive Concepts
Nitrox is a mix of air enriched in Oxygen, normally the air we are breathing is composed of 21% of oxygen, which is the equivalent of Nitrox 21. For Scuba diving the most commons mix used are…
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
Photos by :
Mike Suender
Kriss Sieniawski
Pedro Furtado
Pierre Leo Paul
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